Course Description

Inspired by the book, Change Agent by Os Hillman, you'll learn how to fight for your next level in order to grow into the person God designed. I pray you enjoy this BONUS teaching and that it truly does encourage you!

Leadership Expert Tasha McDonald Carter

Tasha is an unconventional voice in leadership. Entrepreneur, transformational speaker, leadership expert, and the founder of Maximized Growth, LLC., a training and development company. Tasha's mission is to add value to leaders and their teams by improving self-awareness and enhancing communication skills. Fueled by her no cookie-cutter style, Tasha empowers educational leaders to discover their significance with transparent learning and emotionally intelligent communication without compromising their core values, connection to others, and productivity. Tasha also serves numerous educators, including the Alabama State Department of Education, through customized courses and training programs specific to leadership, communication, and personal growth. She is a graduate of Leadership Montgomery, Class XXXIII, and a member of Leadership Alabama, Class XXXI.

Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Introduction to the Fight

    2. Prepare to Fight

    3. Level 1: Your Divine Circumstances!

    4. Level 2: Your Character Development!

    5. Level 3: The Isolation Period!

    6. Level 4: Your Personal Cross

    7. Level 5: You are a Problem Solver!

    8. Level 6: Power of Networking

    9. 6 Levels: RECAP

    10. Question/Answer Time with Audience

    11. Application Exercise

    1. Before you go...

    2. BONUS: Maximizing Your Influence Video

    3. BONUS: Enough is Enough Affirmation Audio

About this course

  • $67.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • $67.00

    How to Fight for Your Next Level (Video Course)

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